Quiz: One Word Substitution Section-1

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Number of Questions: 50

Question: 21 -

That which can be drunk

  1. culpable

  2. potable

  3. palatable

  4. edible

  5. Answer:



    potable (Adj.) : safe to drink (water)

    edible (Adj.) : fit/suitable to be eaten

    palatable (Adj.) : having a pleasant/acceptable taste (food/drink)

    culpable (Adj.) : responsible and deserving blame for having done something wrong

Question: 22 -

One who does something for the first time

  1. pioneer

  2. leader

  3. forerunner

  4. model

  5. Answer:



    pioneer (N.) : a person who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge, culture, etc. that other people then continue to develop

    forerunner (N.) : a person/thing that came before and influenced somebody/something else that is similar, a sign of what is going to happen

Question: 23 -

One who is neither intelligent nor dull

  1. average

  2. fair

  3. mediocre

  4. ordinary

  5. Answer:



    mediocre (Adj.) : not very good; of only average standard

    average (Adj.) : ordinary ; not special

Question: 24 -

Person leading a life of strict self-discipline

  1. atheist

  2. hedonist

  3. ascetic

  4. disciplinarian

  5. Answer:



    ascetic (N.) : a person who lives in a simple and strict way, without physical pleasures, especially for religious reasons (monks, hermits, saints)

    hedonist (N.) : a person who believes that pleasure is the most important thing in life

    disciplinarian (N.) : a person who believes in using rules and punishment for controlling people

    atheist (N.) : a person who believes that God does not exist

Question: 25 -

A government run by officials

  1. oligarchy

  2. democracy

  3. anarchy

  4. bureaucracy

  5. Answer:



    bureaucracy (N.) : a system of government in which there are a large number of state officials who are not elected

    democracy (N.) : a system of government in which all the people of a country can vote to elect their representatives

    anarchy (N.) : a situation in a country, an organization, etc., in which there is no government, order/control

    oligarchy (N.) : a form of government in which only a small group of people hold all the power